The desired outcome

Let’s say that we want to create a new json resource type.

We want to be able to write something like that:

  • Edgar Allan Poe 1809 – 1849.
  • Herman Melville 1819 – 1891.
  • Walt Whitman 1819 - 1892.
  • Mark Twain 1835 – 1910.

What we want is a list composed by data extracted from a database through a query and inserted in an unordered list.

The Json resource I would like to write in order to have the desired outcome

The json resource should look like:

  "name": "mylist",
  "metadata": { "type":"mylist", "version": "1" },
  "allowedgroups": [ "administrationgroup", "teachergroup", "managergroup" ],
  "get": {
    "query": {
      "sql": "select name, surname, birthyear, deathyear FROM authors;"
    "list": {
      "rowfields": [
        { "sqlfield": "name" },
        { "sqlfield": "surname" },
        { "sqlfield": "birthyear" },
        { "sqlfield": "deathyear" }

Obviosly in the future we will be able to write as many mylist resources as we wish having the ability of passing parameters and changing the SQL Query.

The HTMLBlock

We need now an HTML Block in order to implent this list. An HTMLBlock is a PHP class that cares about building a section of a page creating the needed HTML code. Eventually an HTML Block can load a css file or add some Javascript code. In this case the HTMLBlock will be pretty strait forward:

use Fabiom\UglyDuckling\Common\Blocks\BaseHTMLBlock;

class HTMLBlockList extends BaseHTMLBlock {
    const HTML_BLOCK_NAME = 'basehtmlblocklist';	
    private string $listbody;
    function addLi(string $litext) {
        $this->listbody += '<li>'.$litext.'</li>';

    function getHTML(): string {
        return '<ul>.'$this->listbody'.</ul>';


The json template file

Now we need a Json template in order to orchestrate everything. When the type field in the metadata section of a json resource corresponds to the blocktype of a Json template file the specific Json Template file will be called in order to manage the situation. The job of the Json template class is to build the HTMLBlock following the specifics of the json file and to load the necessary data from the database. Sometimes, the Json template class cares about saving the data in the database, about update an eventual session variable and run a specific user story.

use Fabiom\UglyDuckling\Common\Json\JsonTemplates\JsonTemplate;
use Fabiom\UglyDuckling\Custom\HTMLBlocks\HTMLBlockExample;

class JsonTemplateExample extends JsonTemplate {

    const blocktype = 'mylist';
     * @return \Fabiom\UglyDuckling\Common\Blocks\EmptyHTMLBlock|HTMLBlockExample
    public function createHTMLBlock() {
        $out = new HTMLBlockList;
        $queryExecutor = $this->pageStatus->getQueryExecutor();
        $queryExecutor->setQueryStructure( $this->resource->get->query );
        $entities = $queryExecutor->executeSql();
        foreach ($entities as $entity) {
            $litext = '';
            foreach ( $this->resource->get->list->rowfields as $rowfield ) {
                $litext += $this->pageStatus->getValue( $rowfield );
        return $out;


And this closes the circle. Now we are able to add to our software all the lists we need and all we need to do is to add a json resource to the code base where we are free to change the query and the showed fields.

What now?

Now I am able to create another resource for a new list to add to another page and I do not need to create again HTMLBlock and Json template file.

Let’s say I want to create another list maybe listing the books of a given author. The author id will be passed as GET parameter will be validated and eventually used in the following query in order to filter data.

  "name": "mylist",
  "metadata": { "type":"mylist", "version": "1" },
  "allowedgroups": [ "administrationgroup", "teachergroup", "managergroup" ],
  "get": {
    "request": {
      "parameters": [ { "type":"integer", "validation":"required|integer", "name":"authorid" } ]
    "query": {
      "sql": "select title FROM books WHERE authorid = :id;",
        { "type":"long", "placeholder": ":id", "getparameter": "authorid" }
    "list": {
      "rowfields": [
        { "sqlfield": "title" }