
An HTML Block is a PHP Object that extends the BaseHTMLBlock php class.

This class gives the structure to create an HTML block. A Block is a subsection of a HTML page. It could be a form, a table or a list. It is not ment to be a basic HTML tag but a section of a page big enough to be visible from the user as a unity of content.

Any HTML structure can be formalised as a block.

A basic block example is visible in the ud-demo repository.

use Fabiom\UglyDuckling\Common\Blocks\BaseHTMLBlock;

class HTMLBlockExample extends BaseHTMLBlock {
    const HTML_BLOCK_NAME = 'basehtmlblockexample';

    function getHTML(): string {
        return '<p>Paragraph example</p>';


In order to define an HTML Block you need tow things:

  • define a HTML_BLOCK_NAME constat that is unique for this type of block in the codebase;
  • define a getHTML method that returns the HTML code eventually loaded with content coming from a database.

We know that in modern web design a HTML block is not enough by itself. We need to add css rules or javascript files. Overriding the methods:

  • addToHead: the code added here will be put in the HEAD section of the page.
  • addToFoot: the code added here will be put in the BODY section of the page just before to close the BODY tag.
     * Overwrite this method with the content you want to put in your html header
     * It is called for every instance of a class.
     * It can be useful if you need to load a css or a javascript file for this block
     * to work properly.
    function addToHead(): string {
        return '';
     * Overwrite this method with the content you want to put at the very bottom of your page
     * It can be useful if you need to load a javascript file for this block
     * It is called for every instance of a class.
    function addToFoot(): string {
        return '';

An example could be:

    function addToHead(): string {
        return '<link rel="stylesheet" href="mystyle.css">';
    function addToFoot(): string {
        return '<script>// some javascript code here</script>';

And if you want to see a complete example:

use Fabiom\UglyDuckling\Common\Blocks\BaseHTMLBlock;

class HTMLBlockExample extends BaseHTMLBlock {
    const HTML_BLOCK_NAME = 'basehtmlblockexample';

    function getHTML(): string {
        return '<p>Paragraph example</p>';

    function addToHead(): string {
        return '<link rel="stylesheet" href="mystyle.css">';
    function addToFoot(): string {
        return '<script>// some javascript code here</script>';