
This class check the content of a set o fields to see if they contains what they are ment to, possible filters are:

  • boolean can contain [true, false]
  • integer can contain an integer number
  • onlynumeric can contain a number integer or float (with comma or dots)
  • onlyalpha can contain only alphabetical characters (even with accents) and ? , : ; . ! @ € £ $ & + = * _ \r \n \t
  • alpha_numeric it is a combination of onlyalpha and onlynumeric
  • exactlen followed by a number is the exact allowed lenght of the passed parameter
  • min_len followed by a number is the minimum allowed lenght of the passed parameter
  • max_len followed by a number is the maximum allowed lenght of the passed parameter
  • minnumeric followed by a number n the filled content need to be greater then n
  • maxnumeric followed by a number n the filled content need to be less then n
  • calendardate it has to have the format dd/mm/yyyy
  • mysqldate it has to have the format yyyy-mm-dd
  • required the field is mandatory
  • checkbox the field could be missing and that would not give an error, a check box must be followed by a type ex: integer or alphanumerical

Example of usages

  • “required|integer” the parameter is a required integer number

  • “required|alphanumerical|max_len250” the parameter is required, alphanumerical and has a maximum allowed lenght of 250