Queries are a way to get from the database the information we need. They are mostly select statment

An example of a query is the following json object:

"query": {
  "sql": "select id, typeid, name, description FROM mytable WHERE parentid = :parentid;",
    { "type":"long", "placeholder": ":parentid", "getparameter": "parentId" }

As you can see we need to define a SQL query and an array of parameters we need to pass to the query.

A query is defined:

  • sql: query in plain SQL, mandatory
  • parameters: optional, array of parameter objects
  • debug: optional, shows information about the queries

SQL parameters

Each query can have one or many parameters. A parameter is a json object that contains three properties


It specifies the type of the parameter during the binding process.

  • long, int: PDO::PARAM_INT
  • string, str: PDO::PARAM_STR
  • bool, boolean: PDO::PARAM_BOOL
  • float, decimal: PDO::PARAM_STR


Each parameter correspond to a placeholder in the query.

  • placeholder: the placeholder name


One of the following parameters is mandatory:

  • sqlfield: the name of the field the value is taken from
  • getparameter: the name of the get parameter the value is taken from
  • postparemeter: the name of the post parameter the value is taken from
  • sessionparameter: the name of the session paramenter the value is taken from
  • constant: a constant parameter
  • composite: used in in a column we want to put more than one information in a single parameter
  • filter: the filter functions to apply to the parameeter
{ "type":"string", "placeholder": ":description", "composite":"${placeholder1} ${placeholder2}", "parameters": [
      { "name":"${placeholder1}", "sqlfield": "name"  },
      { "name":"${placeholder2}", "sqlfield": "surname"  }


This property allows the software developer to specify different sources of information for a single parameter. The sources are evaluated on by one and the first not null result becomes the value of the field. A filter can be applyed to the not-null result of a value.

{ "type":"string", "placeholder": ":description", "value": [
  { "type":"string", "sqlfield":"name", "filter":"substr,0,1" },
  { "type":"string", "constant":"" }
] }

In this example this column is filled with the information stored in the “name” sql field, result of a query. If that information is not null the filter substr is applyed. In case that information is null the second element in the list is evaluated, in this case it is the constant empty string.


Sometimes we need help to fix queries.

"query": {
  "sql": "select id, typeid, name, description FROM mytable WHERE parentid = :parentid;",
    { "type":"long", "placeholder": ":parentid", "getparameter": "parentId" }

The debug parameter print on the page the query interpolated with all paramenters and shows the output of the command PDOStatement::debugDumpParams.