Ajax buttons

Ajax buttons are part of a trik that allows the user to implement one page applications using UD.

The main idea is based on a tag named TagAjaxButton that extends BaseHTMLTag. The Ajax button allows UD to load asyncronously resources in different part of the applcation without the need ot reloading the whole page. In order to work properly the ajax buttons need the file udajaxactivator.js properly linked in the HTML template.

Delete button

This button, if clicked, makes a request (GET or POST) to a resource and removes a part of the DOM from the interface.

  "type": "ajaxbutton", 
  "label": "Del Threat", 
  "cssclass": "udbuttonremove", 
  "method": "GET",
  "dataudurl": {
    "controller": "partial", 
    "resource": "bowtie-delete-model-threat-barrier-ajax", 
    "parameters": [
      {"name": "field", "constantparameter": "proactivebarriers"},
      {"name": "mid", "getparameter": "btmid"}
  "dataudiddestination": "#mycontainer"

As we can see this button needs a type (ajax button) and a css class. The class is the things that gives life to this button and is important that is udbuttonremove because this class is needed in the javascript side in order to activate the button.

We can specify the method: GET or POST.

The resource we need to make the request to is specified in the dataurl side of the object. This is an action and has the usual action properties. You can specify the controller (usually is partial) the resource that contains the things to implement and so on.

The dataudiddestination specifies the DOM element that we want to delete from the interface. The element is specified using a css selector, in this example, once the request return with success the DOM element having the HTML id property set as mycontainer will be deleted

Empty button

This button, if clicked, makes a request (GET or POST) to a resource and removes all contents of a part of the DOM from the interface.

  "type": "ajaxbutton", 
  "label": "Empty Threat", 
  "cssclass": "udbuttonempty", 
  "method": "GET",
  "dataudurl": {
    "controller": "partial", 
    "resource": empty-model-ajax", 
    "parameters": [
      { "name": "field", "constant": "barriers"},
      { "name": "mid", "getparameter": "btmid", "description": "model id"}
  "dataudiddestination": "#mycontainer"

As we can see this button needs a type (ajax button) and a css class. The class is the things that gives life to this button and is important that is udbuttonremove because this class is needed in the javascript side in order to activate the button.

We can specify the method: GET or POST.

The resource we need to make the request to is specified in the dataurl side of the object. This is an action and has the usual action properties. You can specify the controller (usually is partial) the resource that contains the things to implement and so on.

The dataudiddestination specifies the DOM element that we want to empty. The element is specified using a css selector.

Load and overwrite button

This button, if clicked, makes a request (GET or POST) to a resource and replace the respource loaded in the section of the DOM pointed from dataudiddestination.

  "type": "ajaxbutton",
  "label": "Create new barrier",
  "cssclass": "udbuttonoverwrite",
  "dataudurl": {
    "controller": "partial",
    "parameters": [
      {"name": "field", "constantparameter": "proactivebarriers"},
      {"name": "btmid", "getparameter": "btmid"}
  "dataudiddestination": "#addProactiveBarrierFormContainer"

As we can see the type of the button is always ajaxbutton but now we are linking a different class to this specific button: udbuttonoverwrite. This class allows UD to activate the javascript section of the button.

We can specify the method: GET or POST.

The resource we need to make the request to is specified in the dataurl object property. This is an action and has the usual action properties. It is important the controller is partial. Partial stays for partial interface it means that the reousource linked will be loaded without the template of the interface. We do not need a whole HTML page here, we need only a section to load in the DOM.

Load and append button

Same as above, the only difference it that this button append the loaded resource to the DOM specifyed element.

  "type": "ajaxbutton", 
  "label": "Link barrier", 
  "cssclass": "udbuttonappend",
  "dataudurl": { 
    "controller": "bowtieudbuttonsendpoint",
    "parameters": [
      {"name": "field", "constantparameter": "proactivebarriers"},
      {"name": "mid", "getparameter": "btmid"}
  "dataudiddestination": "#practivebarriers"

Button for ajax request

All buttons seen above allow the user to perform a single specific action. Sometimes we need to perform many different changes in the interface when a button is clicked. Then we need the button ajax request and the ajax reponse.

A button for an ajax request is not much different from the buttons defined previously.

It need a css class named udbuttonajaxrequest in oder to be activated by the framework and need a dataurl field to call. The resource linked in the dataurl field will contain the Ajax response object that is going to give a list of actions to perform.

  "type": "ajaxbutton",
  "label": "Add this proactive barrier to this threat and to database",
  "cssclass": "udbuttonajaxrequest",
  "method": "POST",
  "dataudurl": {
    "controller": "partial",
    "parameters": [
      {"name": "field", "constantparameter": "proactivebarriers"},
      {"name": "btmid", "getparameter": "btmid"}

The button can link a form, using the property dataudformid, in this case all form fields are sent with the request.

  "type": "ajaxbutton",
  "label": "Add this proactive barrier to this threat and to database",
  "cssclass": "udbuttonajaxrequest",
  "method": "POST",
  "dataudformid": "bowtie-partial-add-proactive-barrier-form",
  "dataudurl": {
    "controller": "partial",
    "parameters": [
      {"name": "field", "constantparameter": "proactivebarriers"},
      {"name": "btmid", "getparameter": "btmid"}

Ajax reponses

The ajax response is usually in the post section of a resource.

We can have 5 types of responses:

  • delete
  • append
  • overwrite
  • appendurl
  • overwriteurl

Let’s see a quick example:

"ajaxreponses" : [
    "type": "delete", 
    "destination": "#addProactiveBarrierFormContainer"
    "type": "append",
    "destination": "#practivebarriers",
    "body": { 
      "composite": "<tr><td>${name}</td><td>${surname}</td></tr>",
      "parameters": [ 
        { "name":"${surname}", "postparameter": "surname" },
        { "name":"${name}", "postparameter": "name" }  

In this example we have two ajax actions to implement.

  • the first one is a delete action and it means that we need to delete whatever is the DOM element having id addProactiveBarrierFormContainer.
  • the second one is an append action and it means that we need to append the content, defined in the body section, in the destination: practivebarriers. The content of the body could be a simple string but, as we need to create a pattern containing two post parameters, we are using a value object.

Let’s see another example:

"ajaxreponses" : [
    "type": "appendurl",
    "destination": "#myexperts",
	"position": "beforeend",
    "url": { 
      "controller": "partial", 
      "resource": "user-tables", 
      "method": "GET"
      "parameters": [
        { "name": "usergroup", "constantparameter": "ajaxexperts" },
        { "name": "cityid", "postparameter": "cityid" }

In this exaample the ajaxreponses contains an appendurl action. What is going to happen is that the framework is goning to make a GET call to the controller partial asking for the resource user-tables passing as parameters the usergroup named ajaxexperts and the city id that comes from the post parameter cityid. Once the HTML will be returned from the framework this will be added in append in the DOM element having id myexperts.

The position attribute allows the programmer to specify where in the dom element put the new content:

  • beforebegin: Before the element;
  • afterbegin: Inside the element, before its first child;
  • beforeend: Inside the element, after its last child;
  • afterend: After the element.

The overwriteurl ajax response is used in the same way.

It is possible to use value objects also for the destination section as you can see in the following example.

"ajaxreponses" : [
    "type": "delete", 
    "destination": {
      "composite":  "#addProactiveBarrierFormContainer${tid}", 
      "parameters": [ 
        { "name":"${tid}", "postparameter": "tid"  } 
    "type": "append",
    "destination": { 
      "composite": "#practivebarriers${tid}", 
      "parameters": [ { "name":"${tid}", "postparameter": "tid"  } ] 
    "body": { 
      "composite": "<tr><td>${name}</td><td>${surname}</td></tr>",
      "parameters": [ 
        { "name":"${surname}", "postparameter": "surname" },
        { "name":"${name}", "postparameter": "name" }  