
Every time we need a value taken from the status of the page we need to use a value object.

This object is goint to look up for what we need and give it back where we need. Things we are lookgin for could be session parameters, get parameters, costant and more.

The possible properties of the value object are:

  • sqlfield: used in case we need a value stored in a field that comes from a query
  • sessionparameter: used in case we need a value stored in a session parameter
  • getparameter: used in case we need a value stored in a getparameter parameter
  • postparameter: used in case we need a value stored in a postparameter parameter
  • constant: used in case we need define a costant
  • composite: if we need to build a value as concatenation of different values
  • filter: if we need to apply a filter of some sort to a value before to give it back



This value object get the field username from the results of a query.


This value object get the content of the get parameter userid.

    "composite":"${placeholder1} ${placeholder2}", "parameters": [
      { "name":"${placeholder1}", "sqlfield": "name"  },
      { "name":"${placeholder2}", "sqlfield": "surname"  }

This value object get the fields name and surname from the results of a query and creates a concatenation overwriting ${placeholder1} with the value stored in the field name and ${placeholder2} with the value stored in the field surname.

    "filter": "mysqltohumandate"

This value object get what is the field birthdate, result of a query, and appplies the filter mysqltohumandate.